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Abott, Lyman: What Christianity Means To Me: A Spiritual Autobiography
Advice To A Mother
Joseph Addison: Essays
Rev. T.: James: Aesop’s Fables
AIi, Amir: History of The Saracens
Ali, Amir Syed: Spirit of Islam: A History of The Evolution and Ideals of Islam
Allison, Dr, T. R.: Hygienic Medicine
Allison, Dr: T. R.: Writings on Health and Hygiene
Andrew, Charles Freer: What I Owe To Christ
Andrews, Charles Freer: Zaka Ullah of Delhi
Annual Report of The Inspector of Education in Basutoland, 1909-19
Arab Wisdom: Wisdom of the East series
Arnold, Edwin: Indian Idylls
Arm of God
Arnold, Edwin: Japan via Land and Sea
Arnold, Edwin: Life Beyond Death
Arnold, Edwin: Light of Asia; Or The Great Renunciation
Arnold, Edwin: Seas and Lands
Arnold, Edwin: The Song Celestial Or Bhagavadgita
Bacon, Francis: Bacon’s Essays with Annotations
Bacon, Francis: Wisdom of The Ancients
Bell: Standard Elocutionist
Bellamy, Edward: Equality
Bentham, Jeremy: Theory of Utility
Besant, Annie Wood: How I Became A Theosophist
Bhgavad Gita
Bhagavan Das: Science of Peace
Bhatt, Nrisinhprasad Kalidas: Biography of The Prophet
Bhattacharya: Indian Castes
Bible Yew of The World Martyrs
Bible Story
Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna (Hahn-Hahn): The Key To Theosophy
Blount: New Crusade
Boehmen, Jacob: Super Sensual Life
Birla, G:D:: Birla’s Book on Currency
Brailsford, Henry Noel: Rebel India
Brierly, J.: Ourselves and the Universe
Broom: Common Law
Browning: Christmas Eve
Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: The Chinese Children Next Door
Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker: Good Earth
Buckle, Henry Thomas: History of Civilization in Europe
Buhler, George: The Laws of Manu
Bunyan, John: Pilgrim’s Progress
Bureau, Paul: Towards Moral Bankruptcy
Burnes, Delisle Berne: Democracy
Butler, Joseph: Bishop of Durham : Analogy of Religion Natural and Revealed to the Constitution and Course of Nature
Calthrop, M. M.C.: Crusade
Cambridge History of Scotland
Candle of Vision
Carlyle, Thomas: French Revolution: A History
Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Burns
Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Johnson
Carlyle, Thomas: Life of Scott
Carlyle, Thomas: Lives
Carlyle, Thomas: On Heroes, Hero Worship and The Heroic in History
Carlyle, Thomas: Past and Present Carnegie, Andrew: Round The World
Carpenter, Edward: Civilization : Its Cause and Cure
From Adams Peak To Elephanta
Carus, Paul: Gospel of Buddha
Chakravarti, Atulananda: Hindus and Muslims of India
Chatterjee, Ramananda: The Golden Book of Tagore
Childbirth and Obstetrics
Christianity in Practice
The Coming Struggle For Power
Constipation and Our Civilization
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish: Essays in National Education
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish: Essays in National Idealism
Cox, George W: Crusades
A Word To Gandhi: The Lesson of Ireland
Cunningham, J. D.: History of The Sikhs’ From The Origin of The Nation To The Battles of The Sutlej
Dadachanji: Zend-Avesta
DeFoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles: A Tale of Two Cities
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes: Letters From John Chinaman
Digby, William: Prosperous British India: A Revelation From Official Records
Doke, Joseph John: The Secret City
Dr Carton’s Thesis on Consumption
Drummond, Henry: The Greatest Thing in The World
Drummond, Henry: Natural Law in The Spiritual World
Durant, Will: Case For India
Dutt, Romesh Chunder: Economic History of India Under Early British Rule
Dwivedi, M: N: Rajyoga
Eddy, Mrs: Mrs: Eddy’s Works (Of Christian Science)
Edward: Real Property
Essence of The Koran
Farrar, Rev: Fredric William: Seekers After God
Finot: Race Prejudice
Food Remedies
Geddes, Sir Patrick: Cities in Evolution: An Introduction To The Town Planning Movement and To The Study of Civics
Ghose, Aurobindo: Eight Upanishads
Ghose, Aurobindo: Gita: With Text, Translation and Notes
Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von: Faust
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna: Speeches of Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Gospel and The Plaugh
Govindacharya, Alkondaville: Life of Ramanuja
Guizot: European Civilization
Haeckel, Ernst: Evolution of Man (A Popular Scientific Study)
Haribhadra, Suri: Shaddharshana Samuchchaya Granth
Hassan: Saints of lslam
Hayes: Book of The Cow
Hayes, Will: Essence of Hinduism
Hayes, Will: Indian Bibles
Heath: Astronomy
Henry (A Police Officer): Finger Impressions
Henry, Sir: Sir Henry’s Book on Castes
Hoare, Samuel: The Fourth Seal
Holmes: Freedom and Growth
Homer: Iliad of Homer
Hopkins, E. Washburn: Origin and Evolution of Religion
How to Launder
Hughes, Thomas: Tom Brown’s School Days; By An Old Boy
Hugo, Victor: Les Miserables
Hugo, Victor: Ninety Three
Hunter, William Wilson: History of British India
Hunter, William Wilson: Indian Empire: Its People, History and Products
Huxley, T:H:: On Education
Imam, Saheb: Biography of The Prophet
Irving, Washington: Life and Voyages of Christopher Colombus
Irving, Washington: Life of Mahomet and His Successors
Ishopanishad: Arvind’s Commentary
Iyer: Foreign Exchange
Jacolliot, M: Louis: Bible in India
Jaikrishna, Vyas: Panchikaran
Jain, Champakrai: Confluence of Religions
James: Our Hellenic Heritage
James, William: Varieties of Religious Experiences
Jamia: Kimiyagar
Jamia: Urdu PIays: Shareef Ladka and Kheti
Jeans, James Hopwood: Mysterious Universe
Just, Adolf: Return To Nature
Kabir : Kabir’s Songs
Kaye, John William and George Bruce Malleson: Kaye’s and Malleson’s History of The Indian Mutiny: 1857-1858
Keay: Hindu Astronomy
Kharas: Astronomy
Kharas: Swadhynya Samhita
Khayyam, Omar: Rubajyat of Omar Khayyam
Kidd, Benjamin: Social Evolution
Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: The Bible’s Own Account of Itself
Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Clothed With The Sun
Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Perfect Way in Diet: The Finding of Christ
Kingsford, Anna and Edward Maitland: Story of The New Gospel of Interpretation
Kingsley: Eastward Ho
Kingsley: Westward Ho
Kingsley: Money
Kipling, Rudyard: Barrack-Room Ballads
Kipling, Rudyard: Jungle Book
Kiritkar, Vasudev: Studies in Vedanta
Kuhne, Dr.: of Leipzig: Hydrotherapy
Kumarappa, Joseph Cornelius: Survey of Matar Taluka
Lane, Edward William: Arabian Nights
Lansbury’s Life
Lavator: Physiognomy
Leadbeater, Charles Webster: Writings
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole: History of European Morals From Augustus To Charlemagne
Life of John Howard
Life of Tolstoy
Lin-V-Tang: Lin-U-Tang’s Book
Llewellyn, Richard: How Green Was My Valley
Locaire: Astronomy
Lodge, Oliver: Modern Problems
Lucian: Trips To The Moon
Macaulay, Thomas B.: Lays of Ancient Rome
Macauliffe, Max Arthur: Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors
Macdonald, George: Cibble
MacDonald, R: Travelolgue
Madan: Fasting
Maeterlinck, Maurice: Magic of The Stars
Maine, Henry James Sumner: Village Communities in The East and West
Maitland, Edward: New Interpretation of The Bible
Mander: Astronomy Without A Telescope
Manu: Manusmriti
Marx, Karl: Capital: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production
Masani: Conference of The Birds
Masani, Rustom Pestonji: Religion of The Good Life: Zoroastrianism
The Master and His Teachings
Mayne, John Dawson: Civil Procedure Code
Mayne, John Dawson: Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage
Mayo, Katherine: Mother India
Mazzini, Giuseppe: The Duties of Man and Other Essays
Mehta, J. P.: Vernaculars As Media of Instruction in Indian Schools and Colleges
Milton, John: Lycidas: The Tradition and The Poem
Modi, P. N.: Bhagavadgita: A Fresh Approach
Morley, John Morley: Life of William Ewart Gladstone
Morley, John: On Compromise
Morley, John Viscount: Recollections
Motley, John Lothrop: Rise of The Dutch Republic: A History
Moulton: Early Zoroastrianism
Muller, Friedrich Max: India: What Can It Teach Us?
Muller, Friedrich Max: Upanishads
Musings of St: Theresa
Muller, Friedrich Max: Upanishads
Musings of St. Theresa
Naoroji, Dadabhai: Admission of Educated Natives Into The Indian Civil Service
Naoroji, Dadabhai: England’s Duty To India
Financial Administration of India
Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
Natesan, Ganapati Agraharam: What India Wants: Autonomy Within The Empire
Natural History of Birds
Nehru, Jawaharlal: Glimpses of World History
Newcome: Astronomy
Nicholson: Mystics of Islam
Nivedita: Cradle Tales of Hinduism
Nordau, Max: Paradoxes of Civilization
Page , Kirby: War: Its Causes, Consequences and Cure
Parker, Dr: Commentaries
Patanjali: Yogasutras of Patanjali
Patel, Narasinhbhai Ishwarbhai: Letters of Narasinhbhai
Persian, Mystics: Wisdom Of The East Series
Pherwani, Shivram: Social Efficiency
Philo Christus: Pro Christo Ht Ecclesia
Pierson, Arthur Tappan: Many Infallible Proofs: The Evidences of Christianity Or The Written and Living Word of God
Plato: Defense and Death of Socrates
Plato: Dialogues of Plato
Pope, George Uglow: First Lessons in Tamil
Prophet’s Message To The West
Ramanathan: Speech on Khadi
Ranade, Mahadeo Govind and R T: Telang: Rise of The Maratha Power and Other Essays and Gleanings From Maratha Chronicles
Report of The Committee on Co-operation in India: 1917
Reports of Herschel and Other Committees
Rhys Davids, Thomas William: Lectures on Buddhism
Rolland, Romain: Life of Ramakrishna
Rolland, Romain: Life of Vivekananda and The Universal Gospel
Rosebery: The Life of Pitt
Rosicrucian Mysteries
Rothenstein: Ruin of Egypt
Ruskin, John: Crown of Wild Olives: Four Lectures on Industry and War
Ruskin, John: Fors Clavilgera Letters To The Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain
Ruskin, John: Joy For Ever and Its Price in The Market
Ruskin, John: Sesame and Lilies : Three Lectures
Ruskin, John: St: George’s Guild
Ruskin, John: Unto This Last: Four Essays on The First Principles of Political Economy
Saadi, Shaikh: Gulistan Or Rose Garden
Saadi, Shaikh: The Way of Zoraster
Saheb, Imam: Life of Nabi Saheb (Sirat-un-Nabi)
Salmin, Al Haj: Imam Hussain
Salmin, Al Haj: Khalifa Ally
Salt, Henry Stephens: A Plea For Vegetarianism and Other Essays
Salter, WiIliam MacIntyre: Ethical Religion
Salvemini, Gaetano: Mussolini
Sarkar, Jadunath: Shivaji and His Times
Schopenhaaver: Upanishads
Second and Third Urdu Reade
Secret Medicines
Seely, John Robert: Expansion of England
Seen and Heard in A Punjab Village
Shah, K. T.: Federal Finance
Shah, K. T.: Indian Currency and Exchange Banking
Shakespeare, William: Richard The Third
Shankh Ane Kodi
Shanna, Abhayadev: Vaidik Vinaya
Shaw, George Bernard: Man and Superman: A Comedy and A Philosophy
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: Shelley’s Works
Shibli, Maulana: Life of The Prophet
Shibli, Maulana: Sirat-On-Nabi
Shriman Narayan, Agarwal: Gandhian Constitution For Free India
Sinclair, Upton: Wet Parade
Sir Jean: Astronomy
Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy
Slocomb’s Book
Snell: Equity
Socrates: Socrates’ Works
Sohravorthy, Abdulla: Sayings of Mahomed
Sound of Heaven
Spencer, Herbert: The Principles of Sociology
St. Paul in Greece
Steps To Christianity
Stevenson, Robert Louis: Strange Case of Or Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables
Stevenson, Robert Louis: Virginbus Puerisque and Other Papers
Stories From The History of Rome
Swift, Jonathan: Guilliver’s Travels
Tagore, Rabindranath: Golden Book of Tagore
Tagore, Rabindranath: Sadhana: The Realization of Life
Taylor: Gujarati Grammar
Taylor, Thomas: Fallacy of Speed
Tennyson, Alfred: The Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson
Text Book of Indian History
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vanity Fair- A Novel Without A Hero
Thadani: Thadani’s Poem
Thakur: Indian Administration
Theology in English Poets
Thompson, Edward W: Other Side of The Medal
Thompson, Francis: Hound of Heaven
Thoreau, Henry David: Life Without Principle
Thoreau, Henry David: On The Duty of Civil Disobedience
Thoreau, Henry David: Walden and Civil Disobedience
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar: Hindu Philosophy of Life, Ethics and Religion, Omtat-sat Srimad Bhagavadgita Rahasya Or Karma-Yoga Shastra
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar: Orion Or Researches Into The Antiquity of The Vedas
Tolstoy, Countess: Defense
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Complete Works of Count Tolstoy
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Essays and Letters
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The First Step
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The Gospel in Brief
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: How Shall We Escape
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Ivan The Fool
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: The Kingdom of God Is Within You
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Letter To A Hindoo
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Letters To Russian Liberals
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: My Confession
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Relation of The Sexes
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: Slavery of Our Times
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What I Believe
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What Is Art
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What Shall We Do Then
Tolstoy, Leo Nikolaevich: What To Do
Trine: My Philosophy and Religion
Vegetarian Messenger
Verne, Jules: Dropped From The Clouds
Vivekananda, Swami: Raja Yoga Or Conquering The Internal Nature
Wadia, Ardaser Sorabjee N: Message of Christ
Wadia, Ardaser Sorabjee N: Message of Mahomed
Wadia, Prof: Southern Cross
The Way of The Buddha
Way of The Cross
The Way To Be in Life
Webb, Alfred: Alfred Webb’s Collection on Indian Civilization
Wells, Herbert George: The Outline of History: Being A Plain History of Life and Mankind
What War Means?
White and Tudor: Leading Cases in Equity
Wilberforce: Five Empires
Wilde, Oscar: Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
Williams, Howard: Ethics of Diet
William, Joshua: Principles of The Law of Real Property
Woodroffe, John George: Shakti and Shakta: Essays and Addresses on The Shakta Tantrashastra
Wordsworth, William: Poems
Yogavasishtha: Mumukshu Prakaran
Young Crusader
Zarathustra: Sayings of Zarathustra
पंचवटी : मैथिलीशरण गुप्त


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